Finally managed to finish some Savage Orcs that had been sitting on the painting bench for ages. Every time I thought I had finished there was always one more thing to do!
These are Oldhammer metal savage orcs made for warhammer fantasy battle 3rd edition. They will join my Orc and Goblin army.
First up is an Orc hero. I feel like he should a tribal chief name, something like Stranger Come Knocking, or Tul Duru Thunderhead.
He is armed with a stone headed axe and a boomerang. I love the details on this model, he is covered in bones, teeth, feathers, bird skulls, bone through his nose and you can even see the stitching and fur of the hides that make up his clothes.
Next up is Groldog, not sure if he is a shaman, champion or hero. He is armed with a bone spear, has 3 severed heads on his belt although they are very small so they either the heads of children or perhaps shrunken heads. Like the savage orc above he is covered in bones, bird skulls and you can even see the stitching and fur of the hides that make up his clothes.
The whole Savage Orc unit. All Savage Orcs wear war paint, it even protects them in battle. So I decided to paint them with native American war paint as this seemed more dramatic, and was thankfully easier to paint!
I tried to avoid any metal weapons and armour and tried to keep their weapons and equipment very tribal and naturalistic. Some of them are carrying swords and hand scythes, I did think about replacing their weapons with something more stone age, something non-metal like spears. But I didn't want to convert them too much, so bronze age weapons seemed a good compromise.
I imagine that these Orcs live in a mountain region so remote that they are still living in the past. They also have Zulu style hide shields as these seemed to fit the tribal look I was going for. Again avoiding metal rimmed shields. And even the banner is made up of natural, organic trophies- no chains or spikes for these guys!
Lastly is Gutbag, an old , smelly, and likely incontinent, Orc Shaman. I tried to make his skin look wrinkled and wizened. He is from the orc war wyvern box and previously had a knife in his left hand which I removed and gave him a tambourine type of thing (I had seen a Mongol shaman holding something similar).