Showing posts with label 7TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7TV. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 February 2017

7TV Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Programme Guide

I've been meaning to make a cast for Garth Marenghi's Darkplace for sometime. I've always thought 7TV 2ed was the perfect rules for Garth Marenghi, funny yet action packed.

Any feedback on stats, balancing, theme, or suggestions on Special Effects is very welcome. I'm still a bit new to the 2ed rules. I'll try and post the miniatures I use soon.

For anyone who doesn't know what Garth Marenghi is here's a link:'s_Darkplace

And here's a cast for the A-Team for 7TV 2ed.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

More Modern Mini's

Here is Nathan Drake from the Uncharted computer games:

Nathan Drake

I wanted a 28mm Nathan Drake figure to use for modern games, like 7TV or ATZ. A friend of mine is a massive fan and its my attempt to get him to play some board games! He's not 100% accurate, but its hard to find the right figure to base it on.

 Some modern day Bond Villains. Jaws, Blofeld, Goldfinger and Oddjob. Again probably use them in 7TV

And lastly Spike and Faith - the evil slayer...

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Scaramanga and Nick Nack

A couple of Bond villains - Scaramanga and Nick Nack. I have a few more that I will post soon:

They are both 28mm Foundry miniatures converted to look a bit more like the characters.

Monday, 7 May 2012

More movie mini's

More of my modern 28mm collection.

First is a couple of Kill Bill characters. Beatrix Kiddo is a Copplestone Babe conversion. O'ren Ishii is from Hasslefree (can't wait to use O'ren in 7TV as a villain - I always seem to end up as the villain!).

Beatrix Kiddo and O'ren Ishii

Next is Batman and the Joker. Batman is a heroclixs rebased and painted. The Joker is originally a Foundry mini, but with a new head and green stuff hair. I like the way this turned out, although I still can't paint details around the eyes very easily.
What skills would you give the joker in 7TV? I think he should have some Disadvantage representing his insanity.

"Why so serious?!" Batman and the Joker

 Last a few oddities. Jason from Friday the 13th (thinking i might use him in 7TV as an Inhuman Servitor or Failed Experiment). Kick Ass from a certain film... can't remember the title right now. And Selene from Underworld. Which reminds me, has anyone seen any rules for Vampires in 7TV? I have seen them for 7ombie, and while good, don't quite seem to fit in. The 7ombie rules are for B-movie vamps and seem a little more feral, where as I would like some for vamps like Selene, Blade or Spike from Buffy. Vampires who are little more sophisticated and sometimes use weapons.

Jason, Kick ass and Selene

More painted mini's coming soon...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Matrix and A-team

Wow. Been a while since I posted. Thought its about time I posted some more of my collection. These are some of the figures I hope to use in 7TV (such a great ruleset). Just need to convince my friends to play it!
First up some characters from the Matrix:

Trinity, Neo, Morpheus

Mouse, Switch and Apoc

Next up is the A-Team from the Foundry. Used to love this show as a kid. Hannibal and Murdoch capture the characters perfectly, but B.A. and Face are a little disappointing. I think their poses and detail could be a little better.

The A-Team

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Farscape Miniatures

Today I thought I would post some sci-fi miniatures. I don't play sci-fi as much as modern rules, so haven't used them in a game so far. Maybe I will use them in 7TV someday.

Again I've had them kicking around in my collection for a while. Posting my old models gives me a chance to make new stuff, mainly modern scenery, which I hope to show soon.

These are based on the TV show Farscape. I think Scorpius is my favourite. He required a lot of green stuff, and patience, to make the suit. (Maximum points for the person who guesses the miniature he is originally based on (the original model is heavily converted).

Farscape miniatures 28mm 7TV Stark Zaan Rygel

Farscape miniatures 28mm 7TV Scorpius Crais Braca

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Predator Miniatures

To start things off I thought I would post images of my 28mm Predator team. Based on the guys from the film, one of my favourites, they are made up of bits of GW Catachan Jungle fighters, first edition Imperial guards and bits of green stuff. Plus Chaos Knight heads for Mac and Dillon. Weapons from the Foundry and my bits box.

I made these up many years ago and think I should really give them a better paint job some day.

Predator film miniatures painted 28mm 7TV Dutch Hawkins Dillon Mac

Predator film miniatures painted 28mm 7TV Blain Billy Poncho