Monday, 3 June 2013

Necromunda House Rules

I have been busy with work as usual and moved flats recently. Only just starting to get my stuff back into order.

I'm really into Necromunda at the moment. I started to write down our Necromunda house rules, and then it turned into an edit of the entire rulebook! It has cover saves, hand to hand is like WFB or Mordheim, new pinned rules (fighters can fire back but with -2 to hit), new balanced skills tables, new equipment and weapons such as Hand Cannons and Long Las.

This is based on the original Necromunda Rulebook, Rogue Trader and the Necromunda Community edition rules.

Take a look! You can download the Necromunda Rules PDF for free here:

updated rules for Scavvy gangs and Pit Slaves:

Let me know what you think. It has some big changes, so I know that not everyone will like it.

In the meantime I also stripped a lot of old Necromunda models using Fairy Power Spray (love that stuff, doesn't smell as bad as Detol!). Got lots to paint now!

First off I got side tracked and started to paint my old Imperial Guard. Just undercoated for now. Planning on a khaki green, USMC sort of look. Might use them as Enforcers in a Necromunda arbiter scenario (thinking of repainting the Ogryns too)

Next up is a Goliath gang that I bought from GW. The first models I've bought from GW itself in about 10 years. I felt dirty afterwards. Still the models are good. I want Mad Max style gang.

 Then there are the Delaques (De-la-cue or De-lack?) A couple have lost their heads. They have a couple of Catachan heads on them at the moment, but I might use some of the gas mask style heads from Pig Iron- seen them on another blog and was very impressed.

 Then a bunch of old mini's. Some Confrontation models and space pirates even.

 These new Chaos Cultist models I got from ebay for a few quid. Not bad for plastic GW figures. Guns aren't overly huge for once.

 Another assortment of models. Some Foundry Street Violence models that might fit in with Necromunda outlaws. My Necromunda is also inspired by Fallout computer games. I would love to make a desert board when I get time, with shanty towns etc...

 ...and then I bought some servitors from ebay. As I said, easily distracted. Like the models though. Plan on painting them up in some Borg like colours. These might feature in some Arbitor campaign as well.

Oh and I've been buying up bulkheads. They cost so much on ebay! Finally got enough to start making some necromunda terrain. One I've made some of the basic necromunda scenery then I plan on making my own custom building based on Star Wars 1313 etc.

Lots to do!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Terrain, Necromunda and other musings

I'm back (sort of). Wow it's been a long time since I posted anything! The reason being I had to relocate from the South to the Midlands for a job. Being only a temporary contract I didn't bring my miniatures and other paraphernalia, I had too many other things to pack! But I have missed the painting, it's a good way to unwind at the end of a day.

I've still been watching blogs, looking at new releases, and buying bits from ebay ready for when I'm able to pick this up again (I can't kick the habit that easily!). My contract ends in May, and as the date gets nearer the more I itch to get started. I've had lots of random ideas and musings while at work or watching tv in the evenings. The one thing I come back to most often is terrain. I want to make a decent table top board. I currently have two 2x4 chipboard painted green on one side and grey on the other. I want to do something a bit more...special. Have lots of ideas, beginning to feel the obsession coming over me again. First up is a desert board. Really like the look of them, it's different to the usual green table and would look great for Necromunda wastes or 7TV. I also want to make a marsh, swamp type board, with creepy hanging trees and water features. Then theres finishing my modern terrain for 7Tv and zombie games.

But before all that, I'm going to create some sci-fi terrain. Mostly for the chance of starting a Necromunda campaign with my friends (although it could be used for Inquisitor 28mm, or another sci fi setting). But I also like making the models even if they don't get used. I want to put a bit of effort into it and make it look as realistic as I can.

So in my spare time I've been surfing the net getting ideas. One thing I would like to make is the noodle bar from Blade Runner. Then I came across concept art of the upcoming game star wars 1313. This is the look I would love to get into my scenery:

Theres a lot of good stuff out there. I was also particularly inspired by this guys site (if I can't take photos of my stuff then I might as well include photos of others peoples stuff):

 He's recreated all the Necromunda card terrain in 3d (and you dont need silly glasses to appreciate it!) all scratch built from plasticard and bits. Really nice. I love his walkways. I think they are a key part to the Necromunda experience, so I plan on making as many walkways as possible:

And this painting by Zoring has made me want to get my old Delaque's and Scavvys out and started painting them again (and also makes me regret selling my ratskins and escher):

Where to start?? While I like the Necromunda card terrain, it always felt like it didn't have any use. It was just a series of floors held up by bulkheads, a bit like scafolding, but with no building under it. What did the people of Necromunda use it for? So I want my terrain to have a purpose. Appartment blocks with balconies and walkways, shops and alleyways, all in a sci fi setting.
So I think I'll begin with the noodle bar in the star wars 1313 pic above. Its similar to the blade runner one, and I cant find any decent pictures of that. I hope to make my scenery in 'modules', as seperate pieces that can be placed next to one another for variation. I've got to keep in mind the walkways, and leave areas where I can attach these. I hope to load up some sketches of my plans to give a better idea of what I'm doing. Maybe I'll even do a 3d render if I can be bothered (i work as a 3d artist).

Well, I have my work cut out for me. My biggest challenge is to not get side tracked and start something completely different!
Thoughts and comments welcome!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Scaramanga and Nick Nack

A couple of Bond villains - Scaramanga and Nick Nack. I have a few more that I will post soon:

They are both 28mm Foundry miniatures converted to look a bit more like the characters.

Monday, 7 May 2012

More movie mini's

More of my modern 28mm collection.

First is a couple of Kill Bill characters. Beatrix Kiddo is a Copplestone Babe conversion. O'ren Ishii is from Hasslefree (can't wait to use O'ren in 7TV as a villain - I always seem to end up as the villain!).

Beatrix Kiddo and O'ren Ishii

Next is Batman and the Joker. Batman is a heroclixs rebased and painted. The Joker is originally a Foundry mini, but with a new head and green stuff hair. I like the way this turned out, although I still can't paint details around the eyes very easily.
What skills would you give the joker in 7TV? I think he should have some Disadvantage representing his insanity.

"Why so serious?!" Batman and the Joker

 Last a few oddities. Jason from Friday the 13th (thinking i might use him in 7TV as an Inhuman Servitor or Failed Experiment). Kick Ass from a certain film... can't remember the title right now. And Selene from Underworld. Which reminds me, has anyone seen any rules for Vampires in 7TV? I have seen them for 7ombie, and while good, don't quite seem to fit in. The 7ombie rules are for B-movie vamps and seem a little more feral, where as I would like some for vamps like Selene, Blade or Spike from Buffy. Vampires who are little more sophisticated and sometimes use weapons.

Jason, Kick ass and Selene

More painted mini's coming soon...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Matrix and A-team

Wow. Been a while since I posted. Thought its about time I posted some more of my collection. These are some of the figures I hope to use in 7TV (such a great ruleset). Just need to convince my friends to play it!
First up some characters from the Matrix:

Trinity, Neo, Morpheus

Mouse, Switch and Apoc

Next up is the A-Team from the Foundry. Used to love this show as a kid. Hannibal and Murdoch capture the characters perfectly, but B.A. and Face are a little disappointing. I think their poses and detail could be a little better.

The A-Team

Friday, 16 March 2012


Here is a custom cardstock building I've been working on based on the Nabootique shop from the Mighty Boosh. It's 28mm scale. Now I just need a Naboo and Bollo miniatures to go with it!

Made my own textures in photoshop. Made with 1.5mm card. Based on a London style building. It's pretty solid and I cut the windows out and inset them. 

The width is 4" and I plan to make a few more of the same and hope they fit to a modular grid system for my terrain. 

I think I will use it in skirmish games like 7TV or even Necromunda.

Nabootique 28mm card terrain scenery 7TV

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Things I'm working on

Wow. Can't believe I have'nt posted anything this year. Been reading a lot of blogs, but never seem to get around to finishing any of my own projects.
Well I am still working on things. I seem to keep swapping from one thing to another.
I made some more Shipping containers, smaller ones this time. I put the originals next to them for comparison, and when you see them next to a building you realise just how huge they were. I like the smaller containers better, it uses less card and printed paper, and I can fit more on the tabletop!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Shipping Containers

I have been inspired by the card stock and paper buildings I have seen on peoples blogs. World Works Games make some great scenery. Wasn't sure where to start though. Then while I was playing a certain level on Battlefield 3 on xbox360 I noticed the shipping containers, and thought they seem simple enough to make. I have seen WWG sells some shipping containers, but wasn't happy with their colour scheme and texture. So I thought I would have a go at making my own in Photoshop.
I had to decide on a scale. So I did some calculations (here comes the science bit, concentrate). My average model height is around 1.5". So 1.5" equals 6 ft, and therefore 0.5" is 2 ft. (with me so far?)
Shipping container doors are apparently 8ft in width, so when scaled down that comes to 2". Theres 3 containers so it comes to 6" wide in total.

Basically the dimensions of the block are 6" wide, 6" tall, 7" long. But I'm wondering if they look too big. I'm thinking of making the width of a container 1.75" instead. That would make the dimensions 5.25"x5.25"x6". I plan on making some individual ones too, and some different colour schemes.

What do you think? How does the scale seem?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Farscape Miniatures

Today I thought I would post some sci-fi miniatures. I don't play sci-fi as much as modern rules, so haven't used them in a game so far. Maybe I will use them in 7TV someday.

Again I've had them kicking around in my collection for a while. Posting my old models gives me a chance to make new stuff, mainly modern scenery, which I hope to show soon.

These are based on the TV show Farscape. I think Scorpius is my favourite. He required a lot of green stuff, and patience, to make the suit. (Maximum points for the person who guesses the miniature he is originally based on (the original model is heavily converted).

Farscape miniatures 28mm 7TV Stark Zaan Rygel

Farscape miniatures 28mm 7TV Scorpius Crais Braca

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Predator Miniatures

To start things off I thought I would post images of my 28mm Predator team. Based on the guys from the film, one of my favourites, they are made up of bits of GW Catachan Jungle fighters, first edition Imperial guards and bits of green stuff. Plus Chaos Knight heads for Mac and Dillon. Weapons from the Foundry and my bits box.

I made these up many years ago and think I should really give them a better paint job some day.

Predator film miniatures painted 28mm 7TV Dutch Hawkins Dillon Mac

Predator film miniatures painted 28mm 7TV Blain Billy Poncho