Friday, 18 June 2021

Dwarf Flame Cannon

Not sure why I painted this, it's not even a model I particularly like, but felt compelled to paint it and give it a decent base and here its is:

I thought the guy with flag could do with an upgrade. He originally had a tiny flag which I don't think anyone would see when on the battlefield. I removed the back plate as it was a huge hunk of metal about the size of a garden shed! It made the Flame cannon feel less like a cannon and more like a construction or vehicle. Now its just a simple tread plate but about a quarter of the size.

The noticed while painting it that the crewman carrying the fuel barrel only just fits it under the horns on his helmet! Proving that horned helmets are really impractical for almost anything. I also added a base with wheel ruts and burnt grass and bushes.

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