Saturday, 8 February 2025

Ork Warbikes

Ork Warbikes Painted

Finally got round to taking some pics of the finished Ork Warbikes unit. Some of these were a repair job, such as the Ork with goggles. I also had to glue the guns back on, which I had sawn off many years ago to make an Ash Wastes gang for Necromunda.

I like that they all look like individual characters each with their own back story. I was going for a rusty, scrapyard look with war bikes. I don't imagine Orks take good care of their vehicles and equipment and that they are made out of scavenged parts.

The banners are Ork Freebooters ones. I don't think of these as Ork Freebooterz, I just liked the design. Not sure what clan I will go with. I used to have an Evil Sunz army, but it was all bright red. I'm not sticking to the old lore that much, I like the idea that they are more like raiders from Mad Max (especially the Buzzards) so I might go with Death Skulls, except without the blue colours.

From left to right:
  • Takka the Headtaker (usually first into battle. Likes to take souvenirs of the people he meets),
  • Porkins (chubby, nervous and usually hangs back. Terrible shot. Wears sight correcting googles),
  • Wazrok (psychotic mushroom consuming leader),
  • Zoggrund (the cool shades wearing member. fancies himself the ladies man of the bunch),
  • Krug (Taciturn. Doesn't say much. His twin brother Gruk is on the Nobz bike).

Ork Warbikes unit painted

Ork War Bikes

Taka and Krug

Zoggrund and Porkins

Ork Nob on Warbike with banner

Takka likes to travel to distant and exotic placesMeet interesting and exciting people, and then kill them.

He liked Dennis so much he kept his head. 

Look at that grin. I think he likes his job!

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