Heres a quick post. Just a work in progress of my Necromunda gangers. First up the Goliath gang. I wanted these to have a Mad Max or Fallout influence. I painted some lovely flesh tones on them, then thought I would use inks to dirty them up, but that seems to have been a bad idea as now they just look muddy:
Next is the Delaque gang. Varying colours of trench coats:
And last is some of Scavvy gang. I really want to do these models justice. Long way to go with these:
Here is Nathan Drake from the Uncharted computer games:
Nathan Drake
I wanted a 28mm Nathan Drake figure to use for modern games, like 7TV or ATZ. A friend of mine is a massive fan and its my attempt to get him to play some board games! He's not 100% accurate, but its hard to find the right figure to base it on.
Some modern day Bond Villains. Jaws, Blofeld, Goldfinger and Oddjob. Again probably use them in 7TV
And lastly Spike and Faith - the evil slayer...