Saturday, 8 February 2025

Ork Warbikes

Ork Warbikes Painted

Finally got round to taking some pics of the finished Ork Warbikes unit. Some of these were a repair job, such as the Ork with goggles. I also had to glue the guns back on, which I had sawn off many years ago to make an Ash Wastes gang for Necromunda.

I like that they all look like individual characters each with their own back story. I was going for a rusty, scrapyard look with war bikes. I don't imagine Orks take good care of their vehicles and equipment and that they are made out of scavenged parts.

The banners are Ork Freebooters ones. I don't think of these as Ork Freebooterz, I just liked the design. Not sure what clan I will go with. I used to have an Evil Sunz army, but it was all bright red. I'm not sticking to the old lore that much, I like the idea that they are more like raiders from Mad Max (especially the Buzzards) so I might go with Death Skulls, except without the blue colours.

From left to right:
  • Takka the Headtaker (usually first into battle. Likes to take souvenirs of the people he meets),
  • Porkins (chubby, nervous and usually hangs back. Terrible shot. Wears sight correcting googles),
  • Wazrok (psychotic mushroom consuming leader),
  • Zoggrund (the cool shades wearing member. fancies himself the ladies man of the bunch),
  • Krug (Taciturn. Doesn't say much. His twin brother Gruk is on the Nobz bike).

Ork Warbikes unit painted

Ork War Bikes

Taka and Krug

Zoggrund and Porkins

Ork Nob on Warbike with banner

Takka likes to travel to distant and exotic placesMeet interesting and exciting people, and then kill them.

He liked Dennis so much he kept his head. 

Look at that grin. I think he likes his job!

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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Norse Army list for WFB 3rd edition


Norse huscarls fighting on Viking longship making a last stand

Norse Army list for WFB 3rd edition

My aim was to use the Norse army list printed in White Dwarf 107 and fix the errors, add a few missing units (such as mammoths , ogres and Norse barbarians) and make a coherent, balanced list. I wanted it to be representative of models and themes in WFB 3rd ed.

It includes Huscarls, Bondsmen, Bondsmen Archers, Berserkers, Thralls, Tribesmen, Norse Barbarians, Bondsdwarfs, Norse dwarf Longbeards, Troll Slayers, Giant Slayers, Ulfwerenar, Ulfjarls, Jotunns, Norse Hunters, Norse War Mammoths, Norse Dwarf Bolt Throwers.

WFB 3rd is low key, there are not many extravagant, powerful, high-fantasy units. Units are smaller, and specialist units are rarer. I wanted this to fit in with the other army lists in warhammer armies 3rd edition book.

Download the PDF free here:

Preview image below of the pages - use the link above to download the full size PDF for free.

Norse army list 3rd edition page 1

Norse army list 3rd edition

Norse army list 3rd edition

Huscarls, Bondsmen, Norse Berserkers, Norse Barbarians

Norse army list 3rd edition

Norse army list 3rd edition

Norse army list 3rd edition

Norse army list 3rd edition Ulfwerenar

Norse army list 3rd edition Ulfjarl

Norse army list 3rd edition

#Norsearmylist #Norserules #Norsewarhammer #warhammernorse #wfbnorse #Norsecodex #Norsewfb #warmammoth #norsemammoth

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Chaos Dwarf Army List for WFB 3rd Edition

Chaos dwarf swivel gun firing

Chaos Dwarf Army List
For Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition

"Long have we Dwarfs stood against the Old Dark Powers. From the Dawn Ages to the Time of Ending have we ever been numbered among their greatest foes and for good reason. It seemed that we were immune to that warping power that is Chaos ' greatest strength. No children were born in the Dwarf holds that bore the taint of mutation. Our armies did not turn into shambling horrors when the tide of Chaos flowed over them. We thought ourselves immune to the power of the Great Mutator. It was a source of pride. Other races such as short-lived men or treacherous, sybaritic Elves might fall under its sway, but not us.

As with so much else that gave us pride, our seeming immunity played us false. During the last great incursion of Chaos, some of our armies were caught in warpstorms more fierce than any ever remembered. They vanished and we thought them dead. Soon we heard reports that armies of black-clad Dwarfs were marching out of the wastes. When we sent armies to aid our allies we discovered it was true. The full power of the Great Mutator had been laid upon our armies and they had changed. Our warriors found themselves fighting their own kinsmen, changed and demonic. You cannot imagine what a horror that is for a Dwarf manling.”

-Gotrek Gurnisson lecturing Felix Jaeger on Chaos Dwarfs
(-from ROC: The Lost and the damned)

Chaos Dwarf Army List

My aim was to bring together all the Chaos Dwarf articles printed in White Dwarf, Realm of Chaos, Warhammer Armies, etc, and put them in one coherent, balanced list. I wanted it to be representative of models and themes in WFB 3rd ed. WFB 3rd is low key, there are not many extravagant fantastical units, not as many as in later editions. Units are smaller, and specialist units are rarer.

Some Chaos Dwarf army lists have too many Goblinoid units, so many that they often out number the Chaos Dwarf units! I've seen some armies that are 75% Goblinoid and just a couple of units of Chaos Dwarfs. They look more like an Orc and Goblin army with Chaos Dwarf allies!

I think this comes from the 4th edition Chaos Dwarf army list (the big hats) and the reason this army list had so many Goblinoid units was because they only had a few Chaos Dwarf infantry models at the time (Big-Hat Halberds and Big-Hat Blunderbusses), so they packed out the army list with Hobgoblins, Orcs, Black Orcs and Goblins.
I wanted the focus of this army list to be on Chaos Dwarfs, it is a Chaos Dwarf army list after all! More Hobgoblins, Orcs and Goblins can be added through Allies or Mercenaries as usual. These can be thought of as subjugated tribes if you prefer.

I didn't re-write any background or origins there are people out there who are much better at that sort of thing than me. I didn't try to retro-fit new models and force them into 3rd. A lot of them would probably be over-powered anyway. Newer models can still be used though, for instance a Doom Rocket can use the 3 man Mortar rules. In fact the WFB 3rd ed rules for mercenaries mean that Hobgoblin mercenaries are unreliable, they might even switch sides, which is just how they should be!

I included a unit called Infernal Guard, mainly as I needed a name for an elite unit, but any models can represent these. You don't have to use the Infernal Guard models from Forge World if you don't want to. Bull-Centaurs can use the Boar Centaur profile, again I didn't want to invent something new and Boar Centaurs are already pushing war machines. Dragon Ogres profiles can be used for the larger Bull-Centaurs or Taur Centaurs (found in chaotic hosts).

It also has some rules I created for the Chaos Dwarf Juggernaut.

I have included Chaos Dwarf Swivel Gun rules that appeared in WD, and collated them into one page, so people don't have to go hunting for them.

Preview of the pages of the chaos dwarf armylist, here mainly for search engines (images mean it's more likely to turn up in search results) - use the link above to download the PDF for free.

Chaos Dwarf Army List Warhammer 3rd EditionChaos Dwarf Army List Page 2Chaos Dwarf Army List Page 3 berserkers characters heroesChaos Dwarf Army List Rank and fileChaos Dwarf Army List Units, Immortals, Infernal Guard, Berserkers, DevastatorsChaos Dwarf Army List Boar Centaurs, War Altar, SappersChaos Dwarf Army List Flame throwers, Hobgoblin Sky Rocket, Bazooka, Swivel gun, War machinesChaos Dwarf Army List Allies, Mercenaries, Baggage, Hosts, SkirmishersChaos Dwarf Army List Bestiary Boar Centaurs characters rulesChaos Dwarf Army List Ballistics Swivel Gun RulesChaos Dwarf war machines Tenderizer Tenderiser Whirlwind rulesChaos Dwarf Juggernaut rulesChaos Dwarf Army List Juggernaut rules war machine siege tower

I hope you enjoy the Chaos Dwarf army list for Warhammer fantasy battle 3rd edition. If you have any feedback or notice any errors let me know!

#chaosdwarf #chaosdwarfrules #chaosdwarfarmylist #chaosdwarfcodex #warhammerrules #oldhammer #chaosdwarfjuggernaut #warhammertheoldworld

Prince Ulther's Dragon Company


 I painted Prince Ulther's Dragon Company for Warhammer the Old World. They will make a great addition to my Dwarf army. These are the original models not the recent recasts, and they were a bit damaged. I had to replace the leader's axe as it was damaged. The banner is printed and came out really well I think. I created the design in photoshop.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

7TV game

Finally got a game of 7TV in. Cultists vs Police.
Police won by a narrow margin.


Thursday, 27 June 2024

Mordheim Community Edition

Mordheim Community Edition

This version of the Mordheim rulebook is a 'community style edition'. It is a collection of the the most common house rules suggestions from Mordheim tournaments, forums and comments from Mordheim players on the facebook group, reddit and yaktribe. The majority of the rules have stayed the same. The changes are highlighted in red. Keywords were added for weapon traits and special rules.

Download the pdf free here:

#mordheimcommunityedition #mordheimmce

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Chaos Dwarf Ass Cannon

Chaos Dwarf Demon Cannon

No Chaos Dwarf Army is complete without the ass cannon. This one is from Old School Miniatures. It's a nice chunky model and really fun to paint.

I thought I would place the demon cannon in a a pentacle as though it had been summoned and bound. I made the pentagram from a piece of thin card and engraved the lines and symbols on it. Then painted over it to try and make it look like it is glowing. If I did it again I would probably make this from xps foam , or maybe 3d print it. And maybe add some glow on the demon and crew too.

Chaos Dwarfs crew around a demon ass cannon war machine summoned in a magical pentacle

The only thing I didn't like about the original model was the horns on the demons head. So I added larger horns from a Khorne Bloodthirster to it. It took a lot of cutting, sawing and filing to get it to fit. I also extended the handles on the the crews equipment (and what tools they are! Sink plunger and a fist!) and added a few crates and cannon balls.

I'm not sure if this is an amalgamation or melding of a demon and a cannon so they become one. Or have the Chaos Dwarfs inserted a cannon into a demon somehow? Probably not best to think about it too much.

Chaos Dwarfs crew around a demon ass cannon war machine summoned in a magical pentacle

And some work in progress shots and close ups: