Chaos Dwarf Demon Cannon
No Chaos Dwarf Army is complete without the ass cannon. This one is from Old School Miniatures. It's a nice chunky model and really fun to paint.
I thought I would place the demon cannon in a a pentacle as though it had been summoned and bound. I made the pentagram from a piece of thin card and engraved the lines and symbols on it. Then painted over it to try and make it look like it is glowing. If I did it again I would probably make this from xps foam , or maybe 3d print it. And maybe add some glow on the demon and crew too.
The only thing I didn't like about the original model was the horns on the demons head. So I added larger horns from a Khorne Bloodthirster to it. It took a lot of cutting, sawing and filing to get it to fit. I also extended the handles on the the crews equipment (and what tools they are! Sink plunger and a fist!) and added a few crates and cannon balls.
I'm not sure if this is an amalgamation or melding of a demon and a cannon so they become one. Or have the Chaos Dwarfs inserted a cannon into a demon somehow? Probably not best to think about it too much.
And some work in progress shots and close ups: